1 *Is there someone you can't stop thinking about right now?
...umm yes.
2 *If so, do they know it?
...guess so, told her last night
3 *Is there something you wouldn't do for this person?
..ngeliat tabiatnya yang jelegar jelegur si...bakalan banyak
4 *Describe the perfect date with this person:
.....depan ym semalem suntuk, itu aja cukup
5 *What would your life be like had you never met this person?
.... tidak seindah pagi ini
6 *Are you and this person in a relationship?
.... ga berani, even to mention anything connected to it
7 *If not, do you want to be?
8 *Do some songs remind you of this person?
....hmm yup
9 *Which one(s)?
.... warteg boyz, okelah kalau begitu
10 *Lets say tomorrow this person was killed. What happens?
... at least I've told her what i've felt...
11 *How would you feel?
......what kinda question is this...
12 *What would you do if this person stopped talking to you?
.... it means she doesnt need me anymore, and I should stay the hell out from her...
13 *Would you still try to talk to them?
... only if she wants to
14 *Describe this person in one word, and ONE word only:
15 *What is something about this person that makes you care about them so much?
...coz she rocks!!
16 *Do you think or know this person feels the same way towards you?
..she said so...but i still dunno...
17 *Honestly, if you really had to, how long could you go without talking to this person?
..... a couple hours would do fine....halahhh
18 On a scale of 0 to 10, rate this person:
......eh kecengan karena kamu bocor berat.... saya kasi niley ... 4...
19 *On a scale of 0 to 10, rate this person's smile:
.........7...si senyum lebarrr...
20 *On a scale of 0 to 10, rate this person's eyes:
.............ahhh this is may fave...9,5
21 *Overall appearance:
.........rada kesian dikit tapi....7,5 kayanya pas laaaa.....
22 *Sense of humor:
....lucu, beneran lucu, pengen ngelempar apaaaaan gitu...
23 *Personality:
..... masih nebak nebak...masih deg degan
24 *Fun:
25 *Sound of their voice:
...cant stand to hear it from her...dunno when...
26 *Their kiss:
.... wah takut di tabok euy klo jawab yang ini......ngarep sih tapi ya sudah lah
27 *Originality:
....riwil...bawel...pede segununggg......
28 *Overall Character:
..... srimulat
29 *What was your first impression of this person?
.... dewasa....smart...serius....dan sedikit keras.... bagian dewasa dan serius...ahh saya koreksi, ternyata saya salaahh!!!
30 *Describe the feeling you get when you see this person:
..... takut, dia suka kekerasan, cenderung anarkis, tapi lookin forwad 2 see her..in person
31 *Would you marry this person?
......ga bisa jawab sob, not now..
32 *Would you stay up all night just to watch this person sleep?
.......ngeliat kebawelannya aja saya sanggup, apalagi dia anteng...mudah saja, sure..why not!
33 *You have the oppertunity to say whatever you want to this person. What would you say?
...... i'll say this when u call me...
growled by.
12 screams!:
Huhu... Same confession as mine..T_T
btw, gak diposting di ehem2.com nih;;) *wink-wink*
hai fay,
makasi udah mampir disini hehehe
jadi lagi seneng dong nih yaaaa
ah ga diposting di ehem ehem dot kom ahhh
too private hihihi
met weekend ya fay...^__^
mamaattt...plis deehhh!!!!
kisah cintamu ya??? huehehe...
happy new year, dear! taun depan mudah2an semua lebih baik yaaa... *hugs sambil bawa bayonet* :))
hmm..tumben ini...
antara senang dan khawatir
sungguh mencurigakan...
makasi ucapan new yearnya
semoga taun depan simbok juga makin muantaaff
hehehe bukan kisah cinta mbok, sekedar mengagumi..
mohon doa restu ya mbok..
*pergi meninggalkan blog ini* :))
mas daniboy,
makasi udah mampir mas . . .
salam kenal bos
sudah kenal....
siapakah wanita yang beruntung itu Syn? *wink-wink*
mbak dewiraaaaa
makasi dah mampiiirrrr....
.... ada juga dia sial klo dapet saya mbaaakk...hihihihi
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