Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gadis Pemabuk!

1 *Is there someone you can't stop thinking about right now?
...umm yes.

2 *If so, do they know it?
...guess so, told her last night

3 *Is there something you wouldn't do for this person?
..ngeliat tabiatnya yang jelegar jelegur si...bakalan banyak

4 *Describe the perfect date with this person:
.....depan ym semalem suntuk, itu aja cukup

5 *What would your life be like had you never met this person?
.... tidak seindah pagi ini

6 *Are you and this person in a relationship?
.... ga berani, even to mention anything connected to it

7 *If not, do you want to be?

8 *Do some songs remind you of this person?
....hmm yup

9 *Which one(s)?
.... warteg boyz, okelah kalau begitu

10 *Lets say tomorrow this person was killed. What happens?
... at least I've told her what i've felt...

11 *How would you feel?
......what kinda question is this...

12 *What would you do if this person stopped talking to you?
.... it means she doesnt need me anymore, and I should stay the hell out from her...

13 *Would you still try to talk to them?
... only if she wants to

14 *Describe this person in one word, and ONE word only:

15 *What is something about this person that makes you care about them so much?
...coz she rocks!!

16 *Do you think or know this person feels the same way towards you?
..she said so...but i still dunno...

17 *Honestly, if you really had to, how long could you go without talking to this person?
..... a couple hours would do fine....halahhh

18 On a scale of 0 to 10, rate this person: kecengan karena kamu bocor berat.... saya kasi niley ... 4...

19 *On a scale of 0 to 10, rate this person's smile: senyum lebarrr...

20 *On a scale of 0 to 10, rate this person's eyes:
.............ahhh this is may fave...9,5

21 *Overall appearance:
.........rada kesian dikit tapi....7,5 kayanya pas laaaa.....

22 *Sense of humor:
....lucu, beneran lucu, pengen ngelempar apaaaaan gitu...

23 *Personality:
..... masih nebak nebak...masih deg degan

24 *Fun:

25 *Sound of their voice:
...cant stand to hear it from her...dunno when...

26 *Their kiss:
.... wah takut di tabok euy klo jawab yang ini......ngarep sih tapi ya sudah lah

27 *Originality:
....riwil...bawel...pede segununggg......

28 *Overall Character:
..... srimulat

29 *What was your first impression of this person?
.... sedikit keras.... bagian dewasa dan serius...ahh saya koreksi, ternyata saya salaahh!!!

30 *Describe the feeling you get when you see this person:
..... takut, dia suka kekerasan, cenderung anarkis, tapi lookin forwad 2 see person

31 *Would you marry this person? bisa jawab sob, not now..

32 *Would you stay up all night just to watch this person sleep?
.......ngeliat kebawelannya aja saya sanggup, apalagi dia anteng...mudah saja, sure..why not!

33 *You have the oppertunity to say whatever you want to this person. What would you say?
...... i'll say this when u call me...
