Let the Magic begins…
Bermula dari boomingnya acara the master milik deddy corbuzier yang udah memasuki season 4, gua yang memang dari kecil doyan banget segala macam seni magic, berasa terpuaskan bisa ngeliat aksi aksi magician tanah aer setiap jumat malam di stasiun swasta yang ga perlu gw sebutin lah namanya…. rcti!.
Berbeda dari jagoan2 magician yang banyak jadi fave orang2… gw memilih bayu gendeng dari bali yang punya aliran extreme magic, sederhana saja, gw suka gaya badutnya, klo soal aliran sulap, gw memang dari dulu doyan sulap2 sederhana yang ga butuh alat2 berat, seperti street magic yang cuma bermodalkan kartu remi.
Semakin lama pengaruh magic menyebar hingga ke komplek tempat gw tinggal, beberapa anak band komplek yang dulu doyan ngulik lagu metal, berangsur mengistirahatkan gitar, bass, drum serta kerongkongan dan amplifier mereka, diganti dengan berjam jam menatap layar you tube mengungkap rahasia sulap. (Thanks to dimas…ma bro…bindel.. ilham yang amat rajin posting video di you tube dan fesbuk serta barudak leutik kelinci percobaan street magic kita wakakakaka)
Jadilah gua semakin bersemangat bersulap ria, adapun yang gua cermati adalah Cardistry, card effect, atau card manipulation trick.. dalam gambaran besarnya lebih dikenal sebagai Extreme Card Manipulation (XCM) bahkan penganut aliran ini biasanya tidak disebut magician melainkan Cardist atau Cardician…keren gak tuhh , karena menurut gw, kartu adalah benda paling biasa yang ternyata penuh misteri… dengan beribu effect yang bisa membuat kita bengong dan berseru dalam hati…”what the F….” belum lagi trik gak masuk akal yang gak pernah terpikir sebelumnya, minimal mata membelalak ga percaya, sambil sedikit sebal… ha ha ha …
Dan sejak gw brosing di dunia maya mengenai kartu, ternyata ragam kartu amatlah bejibun, dan yang jelas menurut gw…jika sulap adalah seni, maka kartu itu sendiri merupakan karya seni yang secara design, tekstur, warna dan karakter amat kaya dengan aura seni.
Selain XCM gua juga tertarik dengan Flourish, seni juggling kartu yang sampe detik ini gua akuin… susah, gampangan ngulik lagu deh. Dan dari utak atik kartu, gua malah sempet jadi kolektor dari beberapa jenis kartu yang menurut gua bernilai seni tinggi, yang jelas harga satu pak kartu itu juga tinggi… satu pak kartu bisa sampe seharga 20 kali makan paket hemat di KFC, bahkan lebih, mungkin sebagian mikir, buang2 duit amat sih, memang.. betul, tapi mengeluarkan kartu dari deck nya, merasakan finishing kartu baru, aroma kartu, design serta perasaan emosional ketika memainkan kartu tersebut…priceless.
And do you know what the coolest part of cardistry is? They have a name on each move they perform, each manipulative card act they perform, it even sounds like skateboarding (they even have… “filp” in it…)… trust me, even a single move have name…^__^
Adapun merek card deck yang standar dipakai oleh magician maupun cardician adalah bicycle dan tally ho, dua diantara banyak merek yang umumnya di jumpai dimanapun, oleh magician di seluruh dunia, kelebihan merk bicycle adalah harga yang relatih murah (untuk ukuran kartu import) dan design yang luar biasa banyak beragam dan spektakuler, sedangkan Tally Ho memiliki durability yang lebih baik, tahan lama, namun dengan harga yang relatih lebih tinggi dibandingkan Bicycle Deck.
Adapun sejauh ini beberapa Deck Yang gw miliki antara lain: Bicycle Standard Deck 808, Bicycle Raider Deck, Bicycle Vintage Deck 1800, Bicycle Black Deck, Bicycle Black Ghost Deck, Bicycle White Ghost Deck, Bicycle Midnight Karnival Deck, Bicycle Black Tiger Deck, Svenggali Deck, Invisible Deck, dan Kartu local Golden Wheel (hehehe) .
Dan mungkin dalam waktu dekat, kalo paket kiriman gw dateng, koleksi gw bakal nambah lagi dengan Bicycle Faded Deck, Bicycle Spider Deck, Bicycle Tactical Deck, Bicycle Pink Pastel Deck, Bicycle Shadow Master Deck, Bicycle Split Spade Deck, Bicycle Tragic Royalty Deck, Bicycle Yellow Deck, Bicycle Silver Deck, Standard Tally Ho Deck dan Black Tally Ho Viper Deck. Adapun Masih banyak ragam lain yang kayanya klo gua turutin napsu bisa kebeli Schecter Synyster satu lagi neh… hehehehe.
Even sampe sekarang.. gua masih belajar, semoga ini gak cuma hobi sesaat… dan kalo ada yang doyan juga maen ginian…
Let’s share…
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The term Cardistry dates back to 1914 in a published item called "TheSphinx", but never became popular until around 2004-2009 with the website titled "Decknique". The founder of decknique and many of his followers tried to change the term cardistry into something more fitting to their "style" of card manipulation and seemed to have succeeded fairly well. You can now see the term cardistry being used by many well known magicians and magical artists/manipulators. Dan and Dave Buck, Lee Asher, Wayne Houchin, and many others. Theory11 actually created a cardistry section on their website. (because the term became so popular) The term cardistry is still not "officially" re-defined, so for now the term "Cardistry" will remain (The manipulation of playing cards during or in between a magic performance to add flare or style.) Others, for example De'vo Vom Schattenreich would define this as XCM, Xtreme Card Manipulation.
Card flourish is a magic jargon term for a visual display of skill performed with playing cards to show the skill and manual dexterityof a magician. Card flourishes are more akin to juggling than magic. Flourishes are visually fascinating to watch, look difficult to do, and they often are. [1]
Card flourishes for magicians can be divided into many genres: one handed cuts, spreads, two handed cuts, fanning, aerials, and springs. The art of card flourishing is not for magic use only.
Extreme Card manipulation (or XCM) is the illusion of magic using a deck of playing cards. Card magic is commonplace in magical performances, especially in close up magic or parlor magic and street magic.[1]
Playing cards became popular with magicians in the last century or so as they were props which were inexpensive, versatile, and easily manipulated. Although magicians have created and presented myriad illusions with cards (sometimes referred to as card tricks), these illusions are generally considered to be built upon perhaps one hundred or so basic principles and techniques. Presentation and context (including patter, the conjurer's misleading account of what he is doing) account for many of the variations.
Card magic, in one form or another, likely dates from the time playing cards became commonly known — towards the second half of the fourteenth century — but its history in this period is largely undocumented. One may surmise from the practice of how other everyday objects have been pressed into the service of conjurers across cultures and the ages that card magic developed spontaneously and roughly concurrently in different parts of the world, if not always synchronously. However, compared to sleight of hand magic in general and to cups and balls, it is a relatively new form of magic.[2]
Card "manipulators" performing card fans and other manipulations, which require the individual cards to flow smoothly across each other, sometimes use a Zinc stearate-based powder (known to magicians as "fanning powder"). This is applied as a means to lengthen the life of the cards and to make the friction between them more consistent throughout the life of the cards.
Though manipulators tend to have personal preferences on the types and brands of cards used based on their own experiences, the overall favorites almost always have an “air cushion” or small dimples on the finish of the card. These hold air, in a similar manner to the dimples on a golf ball, and allow the cards to glide over one another easily. However over time they can collect oils and dirt which make the cards harder to use in manipulation. Applying Fanning Powder to card beforehand helps slow this as well as repel moisture that may build up on the hands through extended performances. Also some manipulators may keep their decks in card protectors or clips to further extend the life of their cards.
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“…feel the magic grows inside our life...”
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"jangan tatap mata saya!! ... anda akan memasuki dunia gendeng " [bayu gendeng]